
Methods Summary


Add some more parameters to the authorization url..

Creates an OAuth service that can be used to obtain an access token and access protected data..

Creates an OAuth service that can be used to obtain an access token and access protected data..

Configure the service with a callback function to be executed when the service is ready to use..

Set the client secret of the application..

OPTIONAL This is a way to override the default deeplink method name, which is 'deeplink_svy_oauth'..

Request always the same scope..

Set the domain if the API supports it (e..

Get the authorization url..

Get the authorization url..

Configure if the code/tokens are going to be received as a query or as a url fragment..

Configures the OAuth flow..

Request any unique scope per each access token request..

Configures the anti forgery session state..

Set the tenant identifiers/organization if the API supports it (e..

Configures the service with Proof Key for Code Exchange, which prevents authorization code interception attacks..

Methods Details


Add some more parameters to the authorization url.

Parameters Object params a json containing the parameters and their values e.g. {'param1': 'value1', 'param2': 'value2'}

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Creates an OAuth service that can be used to obtain an access token and access protected data.

Parameters CustomApiBuilder api a custom api, see plugins.oauth.customApi

Returns OAuthService an OAuthService object that can be used to make signed requests to the api



Creates an OAuth service that can be used to obtain an access token and access protected data.

Parameters String api an OAuth provider id, see plugins.oauth.OAuthProviders

Returns OAuthService an OAuthService object that can be used to make signed requests to the api


callback(callback, timeout)

Configure the service with a callback function to be executed when the service is ready to use. After the access token is returned by the server, this callback function is executed.

Parameters Function callback a function in a scope or form Number timeout max number of seconds in which the callback method should be executed (with success or error message) Please note that the timeout should be enough for the user to login and accept permissions.

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Set the client secret of the application.

Parameters String clientSecret a secret known only to the application and the authorization server

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining


OPTIONAL This is a way to override the default deeplink method name, which is 'deeplink_svy_oauth'. The deeplink method is a global method that receives the code needed to obtain the access token from the OAuth provider.

NOTE: The deeplink method name is strongly related to the redirect url configured for the application. If the OAuth provider (eg. Microsoft AD, Likedin) requires to configure a full redirect url then it should be of the form: https://example.com/<solution_name>/m/ - where is the name configured with the service builder https://example.com/<solution_name>/m/deeplink_svy_oauth - if the deeplink method name was not overridden

If the deeplink method with the provided name does not exist in the solution, then a default deeplink method is generated under the hood with the solution model. If a global method with the provided name already exists in the solution, then it should set the access token on the service and handle possible errors.

Parameters String deeplink a global scope method name

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Request always the same scope. Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account. An application can request one or more scopes, separated by space. This information is then presented to the user in the consent screen, and the access token issued to the application will be limited to the scopes granted.

Parameters String scope the default scope

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Set the domain if the API supports it (e.g.Okta)

Parameters String domain ;

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Get the authorization url. This is for DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY.

Parameters CustomApiBuilder api a custom api builder

Returns String the used authorization url



Get the authorization url. This is for DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY.

Parameters String api an OAuth provider id, see plugins.oauth.OAuthProviders

Returns String the used authorization url



Configure if the code/tokens are going to be received as a query or as a url fragment. Will be ignored if the response type is token/id_token or if the oauth provider does not support it.

For the "fragment" response mode the redirect url configured for the oauth app needs to be of the following form https://example.com/servoy-service/oauth/solutions/<solution_name>/m/ - where is the name configured with the service builder

Parameters String mode can be "query" or "fragment"

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Configures the OAuth flow. Defaults to "code" (authorization code flow) if not set. Use response type "token" for the implicit grant flow. Use response type "id_token" for OpenID Connect sign-in. In this case the response is a JWT token which can be used to verify the identity of a user. OAuth providers may allow combinations of "code" "id_token" "token".

Parameters String response_type one or a combination of "code" "id_token" "token"

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Request any unique scope per each access token request. Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account. An application can request one or more scopes, separated by space. This information is then presented to the user in the consent screen, and the access token issued to the application will be limited to the scopes granted.

Parameters String scope one or multiple scopes separated by space

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Configures the anti forgery session state. This is required in some APIs (like Facebook's).

Parameters String state ;

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Set the tenant identifiers/organization if the API supports it (e.g.Microsoft AD)

Parameters String tenant ;

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining



Configures the service with Proof Key for Code Exchange, which prevents authorization code interception attacks. See more at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636.

Returns OAuthServiceBuilder the service builder for method chaining


Last updated