How to use barcodes in iReport 3.1.x

If we want to show barcodes in iReport we first need to create a jarfile that contains the class that renders images from barcodes:

  • First download jasperReports on and install this.

  • Download Apache Ant from and install this. Make sure to add the ant\lib folder to your PATH environment variable.

  • Open a console and go to your jasperReports/demo/barbeque folder.

  • Set the ant library to the lib folder by doing: @ant -lib lib@

  • Compile the barbecue report by doing: @ant compile@

  • Now create a jar file by doing: @jar cfv bbqRenderer.jar -C build\classes net@

To show barcodes in iReport we need to add the barbecue library and the newly created class to the classpath:

  • Open iReport.

  • Go to “Tools/Options” and select the “Classpath”-tab.

  • Click “Add JAR”.

  • Browse to the location where you saved “barbecue-1.0.6b.jar” (version number might differ) and open it:

  • Click “OK” to close the “Options” dialog.

  • Also Add the newly created bbqRenderer.jar in the same way.

Now we want to show a barcode on a report:

  • Open the “BarbecueReport.jrxml” (or create a new report).

  • A barcode is actually an image that is renderd by the library, so to add a barcode to the report we have drag an image from the “Report Elements” to the report.

  • Press “Cancel” if iReport asks for a path to the image file.

  • Select the newly added image.

  • In the “Image Properties” set the “Expression Class” to: @net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable@

  • To display a barcode for “0123456789”, set the “Image Expression” to: @new net.sf.jasperreports.renderers.BarbecueRenderer(BarcodeFactory.createCode128B("1234567890"))@

  • Go to the “Preview” view, the barcode(s) should be visible:

  • For Different types of barcodes, use a different method from the BarcodeFactory, for example @BarcodeFactory.createPDF417(“x”)@, for the entire list see:

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