Dialogs Plugin

(part of package 'Servoy Default Services')

You can access it in code via: plugins.dialogs




Shows an error dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

@param {String} dialogTitle Dialog title. @param {String} dialogMessage Dialog message. @param {String...} buttonsText variable arguments of button texts.. @return {string} pressed button or null if closed by escape key


dialogTitle string dialogMessage string buttonsText string... (optional)

Returns: string


Shows an info dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

@param {String} dialogTitle Dialog title. @param {String} dialogMessage Dialog message. @param {String...} buttonsText variable arguments of button texts..


dialogTitle string dialogMessage string (optional) buttonsText string... (optional)

Returns: string


Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data. Returns the entered data, or nothing when canceled.


//show input dialog ,returns nothing when canceled
var typedInput = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog('Specify','Your name');

@param {String} dialogTitle Dialog title. @param {String} dialogMessage Dialog message. @param {String} initialValue @param {String} inputType the type of the input field, one of: color, date, datetime-local, email, month, number, password, tel, text, time, url, week @return {String}


dialogTitle string (optional) dialogMessage string (optional) initialValue string (optional) inputType string (optional)

Returns: string


Shows a question dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showQuestionDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

@param {String} dialogTitle Dialog title. @param {String} dialogMessage Dialog message. @param {String...} buttonsText variable arguments of button texts.. @return {String}


dialogTitle string dialogMessage string buttonsText string... (optional)

Returns: string


Shows a selection dialog, where the user can select an entry from a list of options. Returns the selected entry, or nothing when canceled.


//show select,returns nothing when canceled
var selectedValue = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog('Select','please select a name','jan','johan','sebastiaan');
//also possible to pass array with options
//var selectedValue = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog('Select','please select a name', new Array('jan','johan','sebastiaan'));

@param {String} dialog_title @param {String} msg @param {String...|Array<String>} options


dialogTitle string dialogMessage string options string...

Returns: string


Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons. Returns pressed button text, in case window is closed without pressing any button return value depends on client type.


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

@param {String} dialogTitle Dialog title. @param {String} dialogMessage Dialog message. @param {String...} buttonsText variable arguments of button texts. @return pressed button text


dialogTitle string dialogMessage string buttonsText string... (optional)

Returns: string

Last updated