Window Plugin

(part of package 'Servoy Default Services')

You can access it in code via: plugins.window




Close/cancels the current form popup panel without assigning a value to the configured data provider.


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100,true, false, onClose);
// function onClose(event) {application.output("Popup closed");}


Close the current form popup panel and assign the value to the configured data provider.


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100,true, false, onClose);
// function onClose(event) {application.output("Popup closed");}

@param {Object} retval return value for data provider


retval object


Create a form popup that can be filled with data and shown.



@param form the form to show @return FormPopup


form form

Returns: FormPopup


Creates a new popup menu, either empty, or initialized from an existing JSMenu.


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
// add a menu item
menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);
if (event.getSource()) {
 // display the popup over the component which is the source of the event;
 // display the popup over the components, at specified coordinates relative to the component
 //, 10, 10);
 // display the popup at specified coordinates relative to the main window
 //, 100);

@param {JSMenu} [jsmenu] The JSMenu whose structure will be used to initialize the popup menu. @param {Function} [callback] The menu item click handler that will be set on all popup menu items @return {Popup}


menu JSMenu (optional) callback function (optional)

Returns: Popup


Create a shortcut.


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// *
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

@param {String} shortcut @param {String} methodName scopes.scopename.methodname or formname.methodname String to target the method to execute @param {String} contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element @param arguments @param {Boolean} consumeEvent if true then the shotcut will consume the event and the default browser behavior will not be executed (default false)


shortcut string callback function contextFilter string (optional) arguments object [] (optional) consumeEvent boolean (optional)

Returns: boolean


It will return a FormPopup with the form passed as an argument or null.



@param {RuntimeForm} form @return {FormPopup}


form form

Returns: FormPopup


@clonedesc js_removeShortcut(String) @example

as js_removeShortcut(String)

@param {String} shortcut @param {String} contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element


shortcut string contextFilter string (optional)

Returns: boolean


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope. Can show relative to a component or at specified coordinates. Show on specified location and backdrop is only supported in NGClient.


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100,true, false, onClose);
// function onClose(event) {application.output("Popup closed");}

@param {RuntimeComponent} elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen @param {RuntimeForm} form the form to show @param {Object} scope the scope to put retval into @param {String} dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill @param {Number} width popup width @param {Number} height popup height @param {Number} x popup x location @param {Number} y popup y location @param {Boolean} showBackdrop whatever to show a dimmed backdrop under the popup @param {Boolean} doNotCloseOnClickOutside whether to close on not close the popup on clicking outside @param {Function} onClose a callback function that is being triggered once the formpopup window is being closed


component runtimecomponent form form scope object dataProviderID string width int (optional) height int (optional) x int (optional) y int (optional) showBackdrop boolean (optional) doNotCloseOnClickOutside boolean (optional) onClose function (optional)



scripting type: CustomType<window.CheckBox> extends: MenuItem


scripting type: CustomType<window.FormPopup>


Close/Cancel the current form and his children if applicable.




Set component form popup will be shown relative to. If null, will use coordinates or show at screen center.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the component.



@param {RuntimeComponent} [component] the form to show @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the component if no argument is given

Returns: runtimecomponent


Set component form popup will be shown relative to. If null, will use coordinates or show at screen center.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the component.



@param {RuntimeComponent} [component] the form to show @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the component if no argument is given


component runtimecomponent

Returns: FormPopup


Create a form popup that can be filled with data and shown.



@param form the form to show @return FormPopup


form form

Returns: FormPopup


Set form popup dataprovider that will be set. If this is set, also scope needs to be specified.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the datprovider value



@param {string} [dataprovider] form popup dataprovider @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the dataprovider value if no argument is given

Returns: string


Set form popup dataprovider that will be set. If this is set, also scope needs to be specified.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the datprovider value



@param {string} [dataprovider] form popup dataprovider @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the dataprovider value if no argument is given


dataprovider string

Returns: FormPopup


Set form popup height. If not set, form design height will be used.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the height.



@param {number} [height] form popup height @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the height if no argument is given

Returns: int


Set form popup height. If not set, form design height will be used.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the height.



@param {number} [height] form popup height @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the height if no argument is given


height int

Returns: FormPopup


Get/Set the onclose function that is called when the closeFormPopup is called. This onClose will get a JSEvent as the first argument, and the return value that is given to the closeFormPopup(retvalue) call.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the onclose function value



@param {function} [func] function that needs to be called when closed @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the dataprovider value if no argument is given

Returns: function


Get/Set the onclose function that is called when the closeFormPopup is called. This onClose will get a JSEvent as the first argument, and the return value that is given to the closeFormPopup(retvalue) call.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the onclose function value



@param {function} [func] function that needs to be called when closed @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the dataprovider value if no argument is given


onClose function

Returns: FormPopup


Set form popup scope that will be modified. If this is set, also dataprovider needs to be specified.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the scope object



@param {object} scope form popup scope to modify @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the dataprovider value if no argument is given

Returns: object


Set form popup scope that will be modified. If this is set, also dataprovider needs to be specified.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the scope object



@param {object} scope form popup scope to modify @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the dataprovider value if no argument is given


scope object

Returns: FormPopup


Show form popup using parameters that were set




Set whether backdrop will be shown. Default value is false.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the backdrop value



@param {boolean} [showBackdrop] form popup showBackdrop @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the showBackdrop value if no argument is given

Returns: boolean


Set whether backdrop will be shown. Default value is false.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the backdrop value



@param {boolean} [showBackdrop] form popup showBackdrop @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the showBackdrop value if no argument is given


showBackdrop boolean

Returns: FormPopup


Set form popup width. If not set, form design width will be used.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the width.



@param {number} [width] form popup width @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the width if no argument is given

Returns: int


Set form popup width. If not set, form design width will be used.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the width.



@param {number} [width] form popup width @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the width if no argument is given


width int

Returns: FormPopup


Set form popup x location. The priority sequence for location is: related element, set location, center of screen.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the x.



@param {number} [x] form popup x location @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the x if no argument is given

Returns: int


Set form popup x location. The priority sequence for location is: related element, set location, center of screen.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the x.



@param {number} [x] form popup x location @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the x if no argument is given


x int

Returns: FormPopup


Set form popup y location. The priority sequence for location is: related element, set location, center of screen.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the y value



@param {number} [y] form popup y location @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the y value if no argument is given

Returns: int


Set form popup y location. The priority sequence for location is: related element, set location, center of screen.

Without an argument it is a getter, it returns the y value



@param {number} [y] form popup y location @return The FormPopup itself if it's used as a setter or the y value if no argument is given


y int

Returns: FormPopup

scripting type: CustomType<window.Menu> extends: BaseMenu


Script the selection (emulate a mouse click) of the menu.


// simulate a click on the popup menu


Set the the selected menu enabled or disabled.


var popup = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
var menu = popup.addMenu();
// set the menu's text
menu.text = "New Menu";
// disable the menu
// set a mnemonic
// add an icon to the menu

@param {Boolean} enabled


enabled boolean


Set the icon of the menu.


var popup = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
var menu = popup.addMenu();
// set the menu's text
menu.text = "New Menu";
// disable the menu
// set a mnemonic
// add an icon to the menu

@param {Object} icon


icon object


Set the mnemonic of the selected menu.


var popup = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
var menu = popup.addMenu();
// set the menu's text
menu.text = "New Menu";
// disable the menu
// set a mnemonic
// add an icon to the menu

@param {String} mnemonic


mnemonic string

scripting type: CustomType<window.MenuItem>


Script the selection (emulate a mouse click) of the item.


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item
var entry = menu.addMenuItem("menu entry", feedback);
// alternatively add a checkbox
//var entry = menu.addCheckBox("menu entry", feedback);
// or alternatively add a radiobutton
//var entry = menu.addRadioButton("menu entry", feedback);

// simulate a click on the entry


Gets the specified client property for the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton based on a key.

@sample // add a new menu to the menubar var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar(); var menu = menubar.addMenu(); menu.text = "New Menu"; // alternatively create a popup menu //var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item var entry = menu.addMenuItem("menu entry", feedback); // alternatively add a checkbox //var entry = menu.addCheckBox("menu entry", feedback); // or alternatively add a radiobutton //var entry = menu.addRadioButton("menu entry", feedback);

// NOTE: Depending on the operating system, a user interface property name may be available. // set the tooltip of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton via client properties // keep the original tooltip in a form or global variable originalTooltip = entry.getClientProperty("ToolTipText"); entry.putClientProperty("ToolTipText", "changed tooltip");

// later restore the original tooltip from the variable //var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar(); //var menuIndex = menubar.getMenuIndexByText("New Menu"); //var menu = menubar.getMenu(menuIndex); //var entry = menu.getItem(0); //entry.putClientProperty("ToolTipText", originalTooltip); @param {Object} key


key object


Sets the value for the specified client property key of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.


// add a new menu to the menubar
var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
var menu = menubar.addMenu();
menu.text = "New Menu";
// alternatively create a popup menu
//var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item
var entry = menu.addMenuItem("menu entry", feedback);
// alternatively add a checkbox
//var entry = menu.addCheckBox("menu entry", feedback);
// or alternatively add a radiobutton
//var entry = menu.addRadioButton("menu entry", feedback);

// NOTE: Depending on the operating system, a user interface property name may be available.
// set the tooltip of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton via client properties
// keep the original tooltip in a form or global variable
originalTooltip = entry.getClientProperty("ToolTipText");
entry.putClientProperty("ToolTipText", "changed tooltip");

// later restore the original tooltip from the variable
//var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
//var menuIndex = menubar.getMenuIndexByText("New Menu");
//var menu = menubar.getMenu(menuIndex);
//var entry = menu.getItem(0);
//entry.putClientProperty("ToolTipText", originalTooltip);

@param {Object} key @param {Object} value


key object value object


Set the accelerator key of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.


// add a new menu to the menubar
var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
var menu = menubar.addMenu();
menu.text = "New Menu";
// alternatively create a popup menu
//var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item
var entry = menu.addMenuItem("menu entry", feedback);
// alternatively add a checkbox
//var entry = menu.addCheckBox("menu entry", feedback);
// or alternatively add a radiobutton
//var entry = menu.addRadioButton("menu entry", feedback);

// define an accelerator for the menu entry
entry.setAccelerator("ctrl alt Y");
// also define a mnemonic
// set a custom background color
// set a custom foreground color
// set an icon

@param {String} accelerator @return s {MenuItem}


accelerator string


Set the background color of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.

@param {String} bgColor


bgColor string


Set the foreground color of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.

@param {String} fgColor


fgColor string


Set the icon of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.


// add a new menu to the menubar
var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
var menu = menubar.addMenu();
menu.text = "New Menu";
// alternatively create a popup menu
//var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item
var entry = menu.addMenuItem("menu entry", feedback);
// alternatively add a checkbox
//var entry = menu.addCheckBox("menu entry", feedback);
// or alternatively add a radiobutton
//var entry = menu.addRadioButton("menu entry", feedback);

// define an accelerator for the menu entry
entry.setAccelerator("ctrl alt Y");
// also define a mnemonic
// set a custom background color
// set a custom foreground color
// set an icon

@param {Object} icon @return s {MenuItem}


icon object


Set the method for the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.


// add a new menu to the menubar
var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
var menu = menubar.addMenu();
menu.text = "New Menu";
// alternatively create a popup menu
//var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item at the first position in the menu
var entry = menu.addMenuItem(0);
// alternatively add a checkbox at the first position
//var entry = menu.addCheckBox(0);
// or alternatively add a radiobutton at the first position
//var entry = menu.addRadioButton(0);

// disable the newly added entry
entry.enabled = false;
// give a name to the entry (the name is not visible anywhere) = "my_name";
// make the entry selected (affects checkboxes and radiobuttons)
entry.selected = true;
// set the text of the entry
entry.text = "menu entry";
// set the callback method
// set the arguments to be sent to the callback method
// (an array of elements which will be passed as arguments 5, 6 and so on to the callback method)
// the first 5 arguments are fixed: 
//   [0] item index
//   [1] parent item index
//   [2] isSelected boolean
//   [3] parent menu text
//   [4] menu text
entry.methodArguments = [17, "data"];

@param {Function} method @param {Array} arguments @return s {MenuItem}


method function arguments object[] (optional)


Set the icon of the menu item/checkbox/radiobutton.


// add a new menu to the menubar
var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
var menu = menubar.addMenu();
menu.text = "New Menu";
// alternatively create a popup menu
//var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item
var entry = menu.addMenuItem("menu entry", feedback);
// alternatively add a checkbox
//var entry = menu.addCheckBox("menu entry", feedback);
// or alternatively add a radiobutton
//var entry = menu.addRadioButton("menu entry", feedback);

// define an accelerator for the menu entry
entry.setAccelerator("ctrl alt Y");
// also define a mnemonic
// set a custom background color
// set a custom foreground color
// set an icon

@param {String} icon @return s {MenuItem}


mnemonic string


Set the item visible.


// add a new menu to the menubar
var menubar = plugins.window.getMenuBar();
var menu = menubar.addMenu();
menu.text = "New Menu";
// alternatively create a popup menu
//var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();

// add a menu item
var entry_one = menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);
// add a checkbox
var entry_two = menu.addCheckBox("another entry", feedback);
// add a radiobutton
var entry_three = menu.addRadioButton("yet another entry", feedback);

// hide the menu item
// make sure the checkbox is visible
// hide the radiobutton

@param {Boolean} visible @return s {MenuItem}


visible boolean

scripting type: CustomType<window.Popup> extends: BaseMenu


Show the popup menu at the specified location this can have 3 different signatures:</br> 1> component param with optionally x,y and/or positionTop parameters</br> 2> event parameter</br> 3> x and y parameters</br> If positionTop is true, and there is enough room available, then popup menu's bottom - left corner is ending at the specified coordinates; x, y values are relative to top-left corner of the component. By default, positionTop is false. If there is not enough space above or under the component, the behavior is undefined (the browser will decide how menu is displayed)


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
// add a menu item
menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);

if (event.getSource()) {
 // display the popup over the component which is the source of the event;
 // or you can just use direct they event:
 // display the popup over the components, at specified coordinates relative to the component
 //, 10, 10);
 // display the popup at specified coordinates relative to the main window
 //, 100);

@param {Object} component_or_event_or_x The component or the event or the x coordinate of the popup @param {Object} [x_or_y_or_positionTop] The x or y coordinate of the popup (depending on the first parameter) or positionTop @param {Number} [y] The y coordinate of the popup @param {Boolean} [positionTop] The positionTop where to show the popup (default false)


component runtimecomponent positionTop boolean (optional)


Show the popup menu at the specified location this can have 3 different signatures:</br> 1> component param with optionally x,y and/or positionTop parameters</br> 2> event parameter</br> 3> x and y parameters</br> If positionTop is true, and there is enough room available, then popup menu's bottom - left corner is ending at the specified coordinates; x, y values are relative to top-left corner of the component. By default, positionTop is false. If there is not enough space above or under the component, the behavior is undefined (the browser will decide how menu is displayed)


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
// add a menu item
menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);

if (event.getSource()) {
 // display the popup over the component which is the source of the event;
 // or you can just use direct they event:
 // display the popup over the components, at specified coordinates relative to the component
 //, 10, 10);
 // display the popup at specified coordinates relative to the main window
 //, 100);

@param {Object} component_or_event_or_x The component or the event or the x coordinate of the popup @param {Object} [x_or_y_or_positionTop] The x or y coordinate of the popup (depending on the first parameter) or positionTop @param {Number} [y] The y coordinate of the popup @param {Boolean} [positionTop] The positionTop where to show the popup (default false)


component runtimecomponent x int y int positionTop boolean (optional)


Show the popup menu at the specified location this can have 3 different signatures:</br> 1> component param with optionally x,y and/or positionTop parameters</br> 2> event parameter</br> 3> x and y parameters</br> If positionTop is true, and there is enough room available, then popup menu's bottom - left corner is ending at the specified coordinates; x, y values are relative to top-left corner of the component. By default, positionTop is false. If there is not enough space above or under the component, the behavior is undefined (the browser will decide how menu is displayed)


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
// add a menu item
menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);

if (event.getSource()) {
 // display the popup over the component which is the source of the event;
 // or you can just use direct they event:
 // display the popup over the components, at specified coordinates relative to the component
 //, 10, 10);
 // display the popup at specified coordinates relative to the main window
 //, 100);

@param {Object} component_or_event_or_x The component or the event or the x coordinate of the popup @param {Object} [x_or_y_or_positionTop] The x or y coordinate of the popup (depending on the first parameter) or positionTop @param {Number} [y] The y coordinate of the popup @param {Boolean} [positionTop] The positionTop where to show the popup (default false)


event JSEvent


Show the popup menu at the specified location this can have 3 different signatures:</br> 1> component param with optionally x,y and/or positionTop parameters</br> 2> event parameter</br> 3> x and y parameters</br> If positionTop is true, and there is enough room available, then popup menu's bottom - left corner is ending at the specified coordinates; x, y values are relative to top-left corner of the component. By default, positionTop is false. If there is not enough space above or under the component, the behavior is undefined (the browser will decide how menu is displayed)


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
// add a menu item
menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);

if (event.getSource()) {
 // display the popup over the component which is the source of the event;
 // or you can just use direct they event:
 // display the popup over the components, at specified coordinates relative to the component
 //, 10, 10);
 // display the popup at specified coordinates relative to the main window
 //, 100);

@param {Object} component_or_event_or_x The component or the event or the x coordinate of the popup @param {Object} [x_or_y_or_positionTop] The x or y coordinate of the popup (depending on the first parameter) or positionTop @param {Number} [y] The y coordinate of the popup @param {Boolean} [positionTop] The positionTop where to show the popup (default false)


x int y int


scripting type: CustomType<window.RadioButton> extends: MenuItem

Last updated