File Plugin Basics

File Plugin Basics Guide


The File Plugin in Servoy provides server-side access to file system operations when working with browser clients and can also be used on NGDesktop for client-side file access. With the plugin, developers can handle file operations such as retrieving metadata, reading/writing text or binary data, uploading and downloading files, and performing file system operations like moving, copying, and tracking files.

For NGDesktop applications, where client-side file access is required, you can use specific features that provide access to the local file system directly. You can find here relevant documentation on NGDesktop file.

More information about File Plugin can be found here. More information about JSFile can be found here.

Getting File Info

You can retrieve various file metadata such as the file path, size, and last modified time.

Code Example: Get File Metadata

            var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./my-file.txt');
			if (f && f.exists()) {
				application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
				application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
				application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
				application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
				application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
				application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
				application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
				application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
				application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
				application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
				application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
				application.output('size: ' + f.size());

                application.output('modification date: ' + plugins.file.getModificationDate(f)); 

			} else {
				application.output('File/folder not found.');

Create File

To create a file, there should be a JSFile first. Creating JSFiles can be done using the function plugins.file.createFile. On a JSFile there is the function JSFile.createNewFile to actually create the file on disk.

Here is a simple example that creates a file helloworld.txt in the user folder of user "servoy" in Windows:

var f = plugins.file.createFile("C:\\users\\servoy\\helloworld.txt");

Back slash in windows file paths: In the example above the path C:\users\servoy\helloworld.txt is written as C:\\users\\servoy\\helloworld.txt (with double back slashes). This is done because the \ is the escape character in javascript strings.

Another option is to use / instead, this will work just as well:

var f = plugins.file.createFile("C:/users/servoy/helloworld.txt");

Here an example to create a file in the home directory of user "servoy" in Ubuntu:

var f = plugins.file.createFile("/home/servoy/helloworld.txt");

To do the same on a Mac:

var f = plugins.file.createFile("/Users/servoy/helloworld.txt");

OS-independent path: As can be seen in the examples above, it is not a good practice to use hardcoded paths in the code, because they don't work on every OS. It is better to use a more general approach. The file plugin has several functions to help with that: plugins.file.getDesktopFolder and plugins.file.getHomeFolder.

Here is a sample that does the same as the previous examples, but it works on all the operating systems above:

var f = plugins.file.createFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.txt");

Working with Text Files

Writing Text Files

The plugins.file.writeTXTFile method is used to write content to files in text format. You can specify the file where the text will be written, the text content itself, and optionally the encoding format. By default, the system uses the operating system's default encoding, but you can override this by specifying a different encoding if needed.

Code Example: Writing Text to a File

var file_text = "Hello world!";
var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.txt");
plugins.file.writeTXTFile(f, file_text);

Reading Text Files

Reading from a text file can be done using the plugins.file.readTXTFile method.

Code Example: Reading Text from a File

var file_text = plugins.file.readTXTFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.txt");

Optionally the charset can be specified in the second parameter, if left out it will take the OS default (For a list of possible charsets, look here):

var file_text = plugins.file.readTXTFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.txt", "ISO8859_1");

If the user should choose which file to read, plugins.file.readTXTFile can be called without parameters, then a file choose dialog will open:

var file_text = plugins.file.readTXTFile(); 

When using readTXTFile, the entire text is written to the memory. With big text files this might be a problem, because they take a lot of memory, maybe even more than available. Because of this problem, using readTXTFile is not the best option if to read huge files. In that case it is better to use some inline java code to read the file line by line using a buffered reader. See this example:

var file_Name = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog();
var f = new;
var file_reader = new;
var text;
while ((text = file_reader.readLine()) != null) {
// Do other stuff with the text here
//close the reader

Working with Binary Files

Writing Binary Files

To write binary data to a file, you can use plugins.file.writeFile method by passing a byte array. The plugins.file.writeFile method allows you to write binary data (such as images, PDFs, or any other file in binary format) to a file. This is useful when working with binary data from databases or other sources that need to be saved as files on the server or client-side.

Code Example: Writing Binary Data

var file_bytes = photo; // photo is a blob column from the database
var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/photo.jpg");

// Writing binary data to the file
plugins.file.writeFile(f, file_bytes);

Reading Binary Files

You can read binary files with the plugins.file.readFile method. The plugins.file.readFile method allows you to read the contents of binary files, such as images, PDFs, or any other file that contains non-text data. This method returns the binary data as a byte array, which can then be processed or stored in a database.

Code Example: Reading Binary Data

var file_bytes = plugins.file.readFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.jpg");

If only a part of the file has to be read, the number of bytes can be specified using the second parameter. For example if 1kB should be read:

var file_bytes = plugins.file.readFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.jpg", 1024);

If the user should choose which file to read, plugins.file.readFile can be called without parameters, then a file choose dialog will open:

var file_bytes = plugins.file.readFile();

Working with XML Files

Writing XML Files

In Servoy, you can write XML files using the plugins.file.writeXMLFile method. This allows you to store structured data in XML format, which is commonly used for configurations, data interchange, or documents.

Code Example: Writing XML Data to a File

var xml_content = <hello>world</hello>;
var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile(plugins.file.getDesktopFolder() + "/helloworld.xml");

// Writing XML data to the file
plugins.file.writeXMLFile(f, xml_content);

Downloading Files / Opening a File in the Browser

Servoy allows you to trigger file downloads or open files directly in the browser. This can be done using plugins.file.openFile method.

Code Example: Downloading a File

function onDownload(event) {
	var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile("helloworld.txt")

function download_file(file)

Uploading Files

File uploads in Servoy are handled using the plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog method. Uploaded files can be processed server-side.

Code Example: Uploading Files

 function openFile(event) {

function onOpen(files){

Default Upload Location The servoy.FileServerService.defaultFolder property in Server Plugins section of Servoy Admin Page determines where files are uploaded by default on the server. You can change this property to suit your application's needs.

Servoy also provides dedicated UI components for file uploading, allowing more customization and flexibility in handling user uploads. These components offer features such as multiple file selection and additional styling options, making them ideal for applications with more complex file upload requirements.

  • File Upload Component: This component allows users to upload individual files with a user-friendly interface. It can be customized to match the application's design and offers events like file selection and upload progress tracking.

  • MultiFile Upload Component: This component enables users to upload multiple files at once, providing a streamlined experience for applications that require bulk file uploads. It supports multiple file selection, drag-and-drop functionality, and file size validations.

File System Operations (Server-side)

Listing Files

To list files in a directory, use plugins.file.getFolderContents method. The plugins.file.getFolderContents method retrieves an array of JSFile instances representing the files and directories within a specified folder. This method is useful for obtaining the list of files from a directory, and it supports various filters to narrow down the content based on file names, file types, visibility, and lock status.

Code Example: Listing Files in a Directory

var files = plugins.file.getFolderContents('myFolder', '.txt');
		for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++)

Moving Files

You can move files using the plugins.file.moveFile method. The plugins.file.moveFile method allows you to move files from one location to another. You can move files based on their file names (as strings) or by using JSFile instances. The method returns true if the move is successful and false if any error occurs during the process.

Code Example: Moving Files by Name

if (!plugins.file.moveFile('home.txt', '')) {
    application.output('File move failed.');
} else {
    application.output('File moved successfully.');

Code Example: Moving Files with JSFile Instances

var sourceFile = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('');
var destinationFile = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('home.txt');

if (!plugins.file.moveFile(sourceFile, destinationFile)) {
    application.output('File move back failed.');
} else {
    application.output('File moved back successfully.');

Copying Files

The plugins.file.copyFile method allows you to copy files from one location to another. You can use this method to duplicate files based on file names or JSFile instances. The method returns true if the copy operation is successful, and false if any error occurs during the process.

Code Examples: Copying Files Based on File Names: You can copy files using their file paths as string values.

if (!plugins.file.copyFile("home.txt", "home.txt.copy")) {
    application.output("Copy failed.");
} else {
    application.output("Copy succeeded.");

Copying Files Based on JSFile Instances: Alternatively, you can copy files by first creating JSFile objects.

var sourceFile = plugins.file.createFile("home.txt");
var destinationFile = plugins.file.createFile("home.txt.copy2");

if (!plugins.file.copyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile)) {
    application.output("Copy failed.");
} else {
    application.output("Copy succeeded.");

Working with Temp Files

Servoy provides the ability to create temporary files that are automatically managed and removed when the client session ends. These temp files are useful for handling data that is only needed during the session and should not persist after the solution is closed. Temp files will be created in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name. Temporary files can be created using plugins.file.createTempFile method.

Code Example:

var tempFile = plugins.file.createTempFile("helloworld", ".txt");

After executing this code, there will be a new (empty) file in the temp directory with a name like this: helloworld1571360175321712533.txt. The filename will be unique because of the number that is added in the middle.

Tracking Files

The plugins.file.trackFileForDeletion method in Servoy ensures that a file is automatically deleted when the client’s solution is closed. This method is particularly useful for managing temporary files that should only persist during the session and should be cleaned up afterward, whether they are local or remote files.

Usage Scenario: If your application creates temporary files (such as log files, data exports, or reports) that are needed during the session but not afterward, this method allows you to automatically delete these files when the solution closes.

Code Example:

var file = plugins.file.createFile("newfile.txt");

// Write some data to the file
plugins.file.writeTXTFile(file, "Temporary data for session.");

// Track the file for deletion when the client solution is closed

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