Menu item


The MenuItem is a reusable, design-time entity that integrates into Menu structures. It represents an individual menu item used in building menus. Its parent can be either a Menu or another MenuItem, enabling nested menu structures and flexible menu composition.

It is a reusable, design-time entity that integrates seamlessly into `Menu` structures ## Key features

The MenuItem includes several important properties that integrate seamlessly within the Menu structure. The enabled property determines whether the menu item is interactive. The iconStyleClass and styleClass properties allow the application of specific styling to the item's icon and general appearance, complementing the Menu's overall design. The name property uniquely identifies the menu item, while the permissions property ensures security and visibility control by restricting access based on user roles. The text property displays the menu item content and supports HTML and localized text for dynamic customization. Additionally, the toolTipText property provides rich, formatted hover text, enhancing user experience and maintaining consistency with the parent Menu.

Properties Summarized


Enabled property of the menu item.

The name/identifier of the menu item.

The permissions defined for menu item.

The text displayed in menu item.

The text displayed when hovering over the component with a mouse cursor.

Properties Detailed


Enabled property of the menu item.

Type Boolean


Type String


The name/identifier of the menu item.

Type String


The permissions defined for menu item. Similar to form element security. You can configure if a menu item is visible/enabled based on permission.

Type Object


Type String


The text displayed in menu item. Can contain html, i18n text.

Type String


The text displayed when hovering over the component with a mouse cursor. NOTE: HTML should be used for multi-line tooltips; you can also use any valid HTML tags to format tooltip text. For example: <html>This includesbolded text and <font color='blue'>BLUE</font> text as well.</html>

Type String

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