Servoy Jasper Reports



This class serves as the primary implementation for managing JasperReports in a Servoy application. It provides functionalities for report generation, data source handling, file operations, and export customization. Using these, developers can seamlessly integrate JasperReports into Servoy projects for dynamic report creation and management. ## Key Functionalities The class facilitates running reports with various data sources and input types, including databases, XML, and CSV. Developers can define input and output parameters, customize locales, and specify the output format using predefined constants. File operations are supported for reading, writing, and deleting report files on the server. Reports can be compiled from .jrxml files to .jasper format for optimized performance. Additionally, the class includes methods for retrieving available reports, merging multiple reports, and accessing or modifying report parameters. The class also supports viewing, printing, and exporting reports in multiple formats such as PDF, HTML, Excel, and XML. Export options include setting custom parameters for advanced use cases, like embedding metadata or adjusting resource paths for specific output types. Advanced features include handling viewer configurations, moving table-of-content pages, and merging reports with consistent styles and orientations. Developers can also use locale-based i18n integration to produce reports in different languages. For external library dependencies, see

Returned Types


Properties Summarized


Get the version of the Servoy JasperReports Plugin.

Property for retrieving and setting the paths to the extra resources directories.

Property for retrieving and setting the path to the reports directory, set by the current client, relative to the server reports directory.

Property used in order to get or set the Jasper Viewer's export formats.

Sets or gets the Jasper Viewer's icon URL.

Sets or gets the Jasper Viewer's title text.

Methods Summarized


Compile a Jasper Reports .

Delete a report file from the Server.

Retrieve a JSDataSet with the report parameters, except the system defined ones.

Retrieve a String array of available reports, based on the reports directory.

Retrieve a String array of available reports, based on the reports directory.

Function to merge two or more reports into a single report file.

Retrieve a report file from the Server.

This method runs a specified (client) report according to the output format, parameters and locale.

This method runs a specified (client) report according to the output format, parameters and locale.

This method runs a specified (client) report according to the output format, parameters and locale.

This method runs a specified (client) report according to the output format, parameters and locale.

This method runs a specified (client) report according to the output format, parameters and locale.

This method runs a specified (client) report according to the output format, parameters and locale.

Store a reportFile on the Server.

Properties Detailed


Get the version of the Servoy JasperReports Plugin.

Type String the plugin's version




Property for retrieving and setting the paths to the extra resources directories. The paths are set per client and are relative to the server corresponding directories setting.

By default the value is read from the Admin Page: Server Plugins - the directories.jasper.extra property. If the client modifies the default property, this value will be used instead of the default one for the whole client session and only for this client. Each client session has it's own extraDirectories value.

NOTE: Extra directories are not searched recursively.

Type String the path to the extra directories relative to the server side set location


//setting the extra directories, relative to the server side location
plugins.jasperReports.relativeExtraDirectories = "extraDir1,extraDir2";


Property for retrieving and setting the path to the reports directory, set by the current client, relative to the server reports directory.

By default the value is read from the admin page Server Plugins, the property. If no value has been set in the admin page for the report directory, the default location will be set to /path_to_install/application_server/server/reports. A client is only able to set a path relative to the server report directory. If the client modifies this property, its value will be used instead of the default one, for the whole client session and only for this client. Each client session has it's own relativeReportDirectory value.

Type String the location of the reports directory, relative to the server set path


plugins.jasperReports.relativeReportsDirectory = "/myReportsLocation";


Property used in order to get or set the Jasper Viewer's export formats.

Type Array the list of desired export formats; the first one will be the default export format.


var defaultExportFormats = plugins.jasperReports.viewerExportFormats;

// use the default export constants of the plugin, of the OUTPUT_FORMAT constants node; 
// the following formats are available for setting the viewer export formats: 
// and there is an extra Xml with Embedded Images export type available for the Viewer, denoted by 'xml_embd_img'
// the first export format in the list will be the default one displayed in the Save dialog of the Viewer
plugins.jasperReports.viewerExportFormats = [OUTPUT_FORMAT.PDF, OUTPUT_FORMAT.RTF, 'xml_embd_img'];


Sets or gets the Jasper Viewer's icon URL.

Type String


plugins.jasperReports.viewerIconURL = 'myIcon.jpg'


Sets or gets the Jasper Viewer's title text.

Type String


plugins.jasperReports.viewerTitle = 'My Title'

Methods Detailed


Compile a Jasper Reports .jrxml file to a .jasper file.


  • String report the .jrxml jasper report file

Returns: Boolean the compiled jasper report file


// Compile the .jrxml jasper report file to a .jasper file. The name of the compiled file is given by the report name 
// The report name as an absolute path. Results the compiled c:\\temp\\samplereport.jasper file. 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport('c:\\\\temp\\\\samplereport.jrxml'); 
// The report name as a relative path. The file will be searched relative to the ReportDirectory. 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport('myCustomerReport1.jrxml'); 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport( '\\\\subdir\\\\myCustomerReport2.jrxml'); 
// To specify a different destination file than the original filaname, the second parameter can be incouded. 
// If it is relative, the file will be created relative to the ReportDirectory. 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport('c:\\\\temp\\\\samplereport.jrxml', 'd:\\\\temp2\\\\destreport.jasper');

compileReport(report, destination)

Compile a Jasper Reports .jrxml file to a .jasper file.


  • String report the .jrxml jasper report file

  • String destination the destination file for the compiled report

Returns: Boolean the compiled jasper report file


// Compile the .jrxml jasper report file to a .jasper file. The name of the compiled file is given by the report name 
// The report name as an absolute path. Results the compiled c:\\temp\\samplereport.jasper file. 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport('c:\\\\temp\\\\samplereport.jrxml'); 
// The report name as a relative path. The file will be searched relative to the ReportDirectory. 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport('myCustomerReport1.jrxml'); 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport( '\\\\subdir\\\\myCustomerReport2.jrxml'); 
// To specify a different destination file than the original filaname, the second parameter can be incouded. 
// If it is relative, the file will be created relative to the ReportDirectory. 
var success = plugins.jasperReports.compileReport('c:\\\\temp\\\\samplereport.jrxml', 'd:\\\\temp2\\\\destreport.jasper');


Delete a report file from the Server.


  • String fileName the name of the report file to delete

Returns: Boolean true if the file was successfully deleted, false otherwise


var reportFile2Delete = 'myCustomerReport.jrxml'; 


Retrieve a JSDataSet with the report parameters, except the system defined ones.


  • String report the name of the report file to get the parameters for

Returns: JSDataSet the JSDataSet with the report parameters


var ds = plugins.jasperReports.getReportParameters('sample.jrxml'); 
var csv = ds.getAsText(',','\\n','\"',true); 


Retrieve a String array of available reports, based on the reports directory.

Returns: Array the String array of available reports


// COMPILED - only compiled reports, NONCOMPILED - only non-compiled reports 
// No parameter returns all the reports 
var result = plugins.jasperReports.getReports('NONCOMPILED'); 
//using a string as the search filter 
//var result = plugins.jasperReports.getReports('*criteria*'); 
//for(var i=0; i<result.length; i++) 


Retrieve a String array of available reports, based on the reports directory.


  • String filter the string to be used as a search filter

Returns: Array the String array of available reports


// COMPILED - only compiled reports, NONCOMPILED - only non-compiled reports 
// No parameter returns all the reports 
var result = plugins.jasperReports.getReports('NONCOMPILED'); 
//using a string as the search filter 
//var result = plugins.jasperReports.getReports('*criteria*'); 
//for(var i=0; i<result.length; i++) 

mergeJasperPrint(printList, orientation, outputType, outputOptions, localeString)

Function to merge two or more reports into a single report file. The reports to merge must have been previously exported as JRPRINTs.


  • Array printList the list of reports to merge; the objects in the list must be jasperPrint objects (or reports exported as jasper print)

  • String orientation the orientation of the result report

  • String outputType the output type of the result report

  • Object outputOptions the output options of the report, as provided for the runReport function

  • String localeString localeString the string which specifies the locale

Returns: Object the result report as an Object


// Merge two report files into a single output report file. Note that the list of reports to merge must jasper print exported reports.
// var $jp1 = plugins.jasperReports.runReport(plugins.jasperReports.INPUT_TYPE.XML, $xmlDataCombined, '/node/to/iterate', 'report1.jrxml', null, plugins.jasperReports.OUTPUT_FORMAT.JRPRINT, $parameters, $locale);
// var $jp2 = plugins.jasperReports.runReport(plugins.jasperReports.INPUT_TYPE.XML, $xmlDataCombined, '/node/to/iterate', 'report2.jrxml', null, plugins.jasperReports.OUTPUT_FORMAT.JRPRINT, $parameters, $locale);
// var $list = new java.util.ArrayList();