Query performance

Reference to Servoy Cloud Environment Query Performance dashboard


The Query Performance Dashboard provides a detailed table view of the query performance within your Servoy Cloud environment.

Performance alerts

Needs Attention (500ms)

A performance metric needs attention once the average execution time exceeds 500ms. This value indicates that a performance metric is approaching a state that may degrade application performance and should be investigated.

Critical (1000ms)

A performance metric is critical once the average execution time exceeds 1000ms. A critical metric has a significant impact on the application's functionality and user experience. Immediate action is required to address issues at this level.

Minimum query duration

Each Servoy Cloud environment has a default minimum query duration threshold set to 20ms. This value is used for assessing the application's query performance.

You can change the minimum duration of queries displayed in the Query performance table, by following these steps:

  1. Go to Admin Settings

  2. Click on Environment Tab

  3. Change the value of “Min query duration”

  4. Save changes

ServoyAI Query Analyzer

You can analyze and optimize queries with the help of Servoy AI. To request suggestions on how to improve query performance using ServoyAI, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Query Performance dashboard from the tile in the Environment Details Overview

  2. Click on the "show more" button of the query entry you want to analyze

  3. Click the ServoyAI icon

  4. Read and accept the Servoy Cloud Privacy policy

  5. Request suggestions

This will prompt ServoyAI to analyze the given query and provide a response accordingly.

Last updated

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