
Reference page for Cloud Control Center Support page


The Support page is where you can file support or feature requests for Servoy Cloud products and services.

If you are experiencing issues with ServoyCloud registration or login, you can request support by emailing

Create a request

Step 1: Select a product

You can file support or feature requests for the following products:

Servoy Cloud UI

This product refers to the user interface and overall user experience within the Cloud Control Center. If you have usability concerns or feature suggestions related to the interface, select this product.

Cloud Hosting

This product refers to the cloud hosted environment and the associated applications.

Access to the Cloud Hosting option is limited to users with a namespace linked to their account. If you haven't configured your namespace, you can do so following these steps

Step 2: Provide request details

Title: Provide a brief summary of your request for easy reference.

Priority: Select the priority level: Low, Normal, or High.

Request type: Select "Incident" if you are reporting a bug or issue, or select "Feature" if you are suggesting an enhancement or new functionality.

Description: Provide a detailed explanation of your request or issue.

Expected Behavior: Describe what you expected to happen.

Observed Behavior: Describe what actually happened.

Steps to reproduce: Provide steps or instructions on how to reproduce the incident. For feature requests, this field can be skipped. Note that providing detailed steps to reproduce the bug or issue can significantly expedite the troubleshooting process.

Step 3: Add attachments

Attach relevant files or screenshots that provide additional context related to your request

Step 4: Submit your request

Once you have completed and submitted the request form, you will receive a confirmation email and progress updates will be sent to the email address associated with your account.

Last updated

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